We wanna hold your hand

By Michael Yoder, Chief Executive Officer

The first quarter of a new calendar year is always an amazing one for an employer. Just like a New Year’s Resolution, it seems like so much begins anew. By now, you have finished up your W2s and OSHA injury reports. New hire reporting is in full swing and new federal and state forms are available. The first quarter is also the restart of FUTA and SUTA charges. It’s a lot to take care of when you’re also trying to go about your “regular” business.

The first quarter is also a good time to take stock of what you have learned from last year. What have you learned from the processes you have in place related to benefits, payroll or tax filing? How can next year’s paperwork and tax filing be handled more easily? How can you refine your process to make things better? Reflecting on each quarter and really getting organized so that you’re prepared for what’s around the corner is really the best way to effectively handle all of your HR responsibilities and obligations.

For our clients, the answer to these questions of process and best practices is to let us handle it for them. Human resources can be a never-ending world of change. That is where Servant HR thrives. We do all of this “stuff” for more than 50 different employers — who then have the “freedom to focus” on getting their new sales or production year off to a great start. As one of our long-term clients says: “It’s done!” You don’t have to do it on your own. We wanna hold your hand! Please contact me directly if you have any questions.

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