Required Wall Art: New Poster Rules for Employes


By Jeff C. Leffew, Founder and President

Remember the posters you had in your room when you were growing up?  Not to be outdone by Star Wars characters, famous quarterbacks and rock bands, your federal and state governments are continually working hard to make sure you have plenty of posters hanging on your walls. Required notices about minimum wage, anti-discrimination laws and various other regulations frequently change, requiring new or modified posters.  Do you have the right posters?

  • In 2010, there was a major change related to the federal GINA law that required new language — and for many, a new poster.  The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 prohibits genetic information discrimination in employment.
  • Effective January 31, 2012, new posters relating to unions and the National Labor Relations Act are required.  If your company has a website, you will also be required to provide a web link to the poster on your site.
  • There are also often new state-specific requirements that you may need to address. Servant HR stays on top of these state-by-state issues. If you have any questions about your specific requirements, please contact us.

We aren’t promising they’ll be as popular as your Star Wars posters, but rest assured that Servant HR will be working with its partner employers to ensure compliance with the new posting rules.

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